Eagle Advantage Solutions' technical support offerings include the following things. Please refer to your specific support agreement to see what your system includes.
24/7/365 telephone support.
Free standard version software upgrades and bug fixes.
Free replacement hardware due to defects and failures (included with most Live Scan systems).
On-site support and maintenance.

Our Support department is staffed Monday through Friday from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, excluding holidays. For the most effective response to your concern, please contact us during those business hours using one of the following methods
Local: (770) 834-5283, Option 2.
Toll-free: (800) 223-4773, Option 2.
Fax: (770) 834-5284
ATTN: Support Dept.
Incoming faxes are not checked outside of normal business hours.
E-mail: EAS.Support@eagleadvantage.com
The Support inbox is only checked periodically, M-F during business hours. Please CALL US for assistance after hours, or if the issue you're experiencing during business hours is urgent.
For existing customers who require immediate assistance outside of normal business hours, a day shift technician will be available on an on-call basis. When you call for an urgent or time-sensitive issue after hours, your call will be directed to an on-call technician. If the technician does not answer your call live, please leave a voicemail with your name, phone number, organization, and a description of the problem. The technician will call you back as soon as possible.
Eagle Advantage Solutions uses products by LogMeIn, Inc., to provide remote support over the Internet. Below are links for two of those products. Please download and install these applications only at the direction of EAS Support personnel.
LogMeIn Host. Once installed, this is the software that will allow EAS Support personnel to remotely connect to and control your computer, assuming we have the correct login credentials for the PC. To install this Host software component, either click the installation link below and follow the prompts on the LogMeIn website to download the installer, or click the full/offline installer listed below to download the file directly from our site. Please note that the LogMeIn Client component described in the next section is also bundled into the Host installers.
LogMeIn Host Installation Link for Windows or Mac.
This link should be your first option for installing the LogMeIn Host because it will always point to the current version of the Host on LogMeIn's website.
LogMeIn Client. Once installed, this is the software that would allow you to connect from your computer to other computers already running the LogMeIn Host. You would typically only install this component if you are an administrator or IT person who needs to remotely access other machines at your agency that EAS has granted you guest access to, through our LogMeIn account, as a courtesy. The Client could also be used to access computers we host at our office for demonstration purposes. Valid LogMeIn account credentials and local login credentials to the remote computer are required.
To install the Client software, either click the installation link below to download the installer from the LogMeIn website, or click the full/offline installer listed below to download the file directly from our site. Please note that this component is included in the LogMeIn Host software in the preceding section. If you already have the LogMeIn Host running on your machine to allow support access to EAS personnel, you shouldn't need to install the Client. The main reason you might install just the Client would be if you need remote access to other machines at your agency, but you did NOT want your machine itself to ever be accessible.
LogMeIn Client Installation Link for Windows or Mac.
This link should be your first option for installing the LogMeIn Client because it will always point to the current version of the Client on LogMeIn's website.
The client can be a convenient option if you frequently need to remote control other computers you've been given access to. However, if you do not wish to install either the Host software (which includes the Client) or even the Client component on its own, you may still remotely access allowed computers with most web browsers. To do so, log in to the LogMeIn website.